
  • 24 West 5th Ave Coatesville, Pennsylvania - Coatesville
    One of our neighbors keeps putting tires outside of our fence, and every time we move them back to their own fence they move them closer to our gate. they started with one and now there is 2 or 3, this has been going on for about 2-3 weeks and we don't know who to turn to as we don't want to bother our landlord and we don't know who their landlord is. it is obvious that they have no intention of properly dealing with them, but we don't want to worry about possibly getting a fine for them being dumped in the alley behind our house!
  • constant noise issues Inilagay sa Artsibo
    West 5th Ave Coatesville, Pennsylvania - Coatesville
    there is regularly noise issues like cars driving by late at night/super early am with music blaring loud enough to hear in the attic. but end of june-end of july people go out in the middle of the street to set off fireworks. not only is that extremely unsafe, but they always wait until 10pm or later to do it. and its not like i can just call in a noise complaint because they would know it was us and cause problems